My first cover of a song in YouTube

I uploaded my first cover song on YouTube, and I am satisfied by the result with minimal edits and mixing via Android phone. 

All rights reserved by the owner, I have just recorded vocals.

Finish line or Starting point

"The day before"  was not a real game in the end considering how to shutdown after all the hype, however 'the day before' for yours truly was as real as it could get. It was an eye opener and provided more clarity of mind than I am incapable of admitting at the moment. I'm still processing the day and what I have realised about myself.

This hit differently than other instances of infatuation. I could not break eye contact, not because of the overwhelming beauty and grace that I lost track of the conversation (there was no lack of any of it but no), I remember every bit of it. But because of how real it was and the sheer maturity, inner strength and honesty in the conversations.

I still don't see a checkered flag, but I'm still optimistic about a photo finish. Someday is near and I can almost smell it. 

Contemplating 2

I have come a long way these few years, took few steps forward, took few strides backwards. I am turning insensitive and indecisive to things I was overly enthusiastic about. I guess you truly don't know who you are, and where you are going till you look back and try to gauge the distance you have covered. 
It is time for a change of pace, change of location, people and surroundings. Comfort zone never seemed to be a problem for me, I thought if I just continue to work towards something new, innovate, create and initiate, pieces will start falling on its own. But finishing is important, taking them all the way. 
Enough about work and career, it has become my personality, and that was never me. But am I really still there? After more than 10 years of corporate life, I vaguely remember who I was. 

I guess that is the bottom line: If you want to become someone in your life, make sure you still remember yourself along the way.

Worst case?

I had too much banked on the event it seems. More than I knew myself. I was waiting for it the whole week but when I came to it I froze, could not talk casually more than a couple of minutes. I ended up showing that I was the last interested whereas it was the opposite.

She seemed to enjoy the evening, but that's it. I ended up shaking hands at the end like usual. I have turned into a corporate worker who is no longer a person. I talk to people like I'm taking to a colleague in office boundaries.

Even at the time of writing this, I could feel the condition getting worse. Thinking has such an effect it is unbelievable.

But if that is the case, is the opposite also true. Can happy thoughts turn it around? I don't know I'll need to fish for them first. Will it all be resolved after reaching someday? I can only hope.


Sometimes I wonder who are we truly?
Is it what we are, or what we want to be?
Is it what we think about ourselves, or what others see us as?
Are we just defined by the pigments of our skin, or is it the light reflected back to who/what views us?
Is it by our name which we have earned from our deeds?
Is it by what we leave for the world, to contemplate for a few years?
Does anyone truly remember the mightiest champion from Olympia? First Gladiator? Creator of the concept of Kingdom? English language? Rocket engine? Keyboard?
Even if we end up creating something which defines the whole world, will we still just end up as a trivia question?

What are we really here to do on this blue planet?
Pollute it till it becomes Black? Or kill anything which moves till it becomes Red?

Yes we have duty towards our species to progress its civilization, but if we are alone in the race then why does it matter?
Why don't we just go back to eating bread and vegetables/meat two times a day, here cattles, selling hand made things and be contempt with life?

Where are the stars?

Gone are days with starry nights,
Gone are the kings with mighty knights,
With arrogance, despair, without progress,
Gone is the bright sun and its purifying light.

There was a time when less was more,
When savings were treasures,
When owning was difficult, but prideful it was.
Every coin mattered, clinking sounds were heard,

When the most humble sellers on the street were filled with joy over a day's work,
When the sweetest sound in the morning was a humble bread seller, who was just earning a tiny margin.

Money still had value but it was not the only might,
Gone are the humble people, and so have those times.

Everyday battles

I think I know why Pokemon is so popular, even more so among adults. It's the innocence, complexity, working together with the team to strategically win a battle.
Best part is the other team's Pokemon just faint, and are fine after healed in Pokemon center.

But I am not really talking about Pokemon all of a sudden. It's about using nostalgia to distract and soothing the mind. Things happen to everyone on a daily basis. You win and you lose. Problem is we don't really remember the wins as we take them for granted.
Every day is a battle, every strategy is important, every word is important, the tone, context, and especially empathy, listening and silence. Everyday is not a battle we can win with shooting word bullets. Some matters don't need strategy as well. The more you think, the more arrogant and self obsessed you appear.

Sometimes we just to need to listen and smile, and just pour all efforts in getting it reciprocated.

My first cover of a song in YouTube

I uploaded my first cover song on YouTube, and I am satisfied by the result with minimal edits and mixing via Android phone.  Shaayad - Love...