Contemplating 2

I have come a long way these few years, took few steps forward, took few strides backwards. I am turning insensitive and indecisive to things I was overly enthusiastic about. I guess you truly don't know who you are, and where you are going till you look back and try to gauge the distance you have covered. 
It is time for a change of pace, change of location, people and surroundings. Comfort zone never seemed to be a problem for me, I thought if I just continue to work towards something new, innovate, create and initiate, pieces will start falling on its own. But finishing is important, taking them all the way. 
Enough about work and career, it has become my personality, and that was never me. But am I really still there? After more than 10 years of corporate life, I vaguely remember who I was. 

I guess that is the bottom line: If you want to become someone in your life, make sure you still remember yourself along the way.

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